Welcome to LaidByMonty.com, a web site dedicated to the Art Deco stores built by Burton the Tailors from the 1920s to the 1950s.
From my first photograph of a Burton building taken in 2006, this site has been over 16 years in the making! I started the Laid By Monty Twitter account in 2016, named for the foundation stones seen at many locations, laid by Sir Montague Burton’s children, and on rare occasions his wife.
With over 600 followers on Twitter, there is clearly a love for and interest in these buildings. Now my database of locations and their details is available for you to search and explore.
Why not start with the list of all locations? Search for a location, browse alphabetically, or click or tap a column heading in the table to sort the locations by year built, heritage listing. etc.
Click or tap the location name to see a dedicated page with more information about the location, details of foundation stones, photo galleries, a timeline, and links to external articles and information.
This site is still a work in progress. I’ve photographed around a third of surviving locations but there are many more to visit. Also look out for future posts and pages about the architectural features.
If you have photos or any other information you would look to contribute, or have any questions or comments, please leave a comment below or get in touch.