Glasgow – Partick

Has foundation stones but building doesn’t display any of the usual Burton features, being in keeping with the style of the rest of the street.

StatusListed?Year BuiltYear Burton ClosedYear DemolishedRatingCondition
StatusListed?Year BuiltYear Burton ClosedYear DemolishedRatingCondition
AddressAlternative AddressPostcodeLatitudeLongitudeMap
AddressAlternative AddressPostcodeLatitudeLongitudeMap

Foundation Stones

Laid YearLaid ByStatus
Laid YearLaid ByStatus

Similar Locations




Buchanan & Campbell Pharmacy (2008-2015 Google Streetview)

External Articles & Information

British Listed Buildings
8/8/2013 Glasgow Evening Times – Eye Spy Glasgow: Partick’s hidden connection to high street fashion